Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The One With the Book

I found an a.m.a.z.i.n.g book that I think everyone should read.

It's the kind of book where, while reading, you think, "Why am I such a whiner! I have everything to be grateful for and nothing to complain about!"

Which, I think, is a healthy notion to consider every once in awhile.

It's called Heaven is Here by Stephanie Nielson.

The story is about how the author and her husband were in a terrible plane crash. They both survived, but Stephanie suffered from burns covering 80% of her body. She was put in a drug induced coma for 3 months because the pain was literally unbearable. When she woke up, she had to go through dozens and dozens of surgeries. She had to relearn how to do everyday tasks (one of her goals was to be able to brush her own teeth). She had to learn to love herself despite the scars that cover her whole body.

Oh, it is such a good book. She really let the Savior heal her, spiritually and physically. She learned so much about beauty, patience, endurance and love.

It's summer, right? You've got time. Go read it! And then tell me what your favorite books are, so I can go read those (cause I have time too).

But if reading is too daunting at least watch Stephanie's story on Mormon Messages here.

Here's one of my favorite paragraphs from the book:

"I have accepted myself in a world that does not accept me, because I have learned--and more than any of the lessons of my accident, this is the one I wish I could teach everybody--that our hearts matter most. Your heart matters most, so be gentler and more patient with yourself, and their heart matters most, too, so be kinder and more compassionate to others. It's a beautiful heart, not a perfect body, that leads to a beautiful life."

Word of caution: I cried myself through a good 50% chunk of this book. Consider yourself warned.

P.S. This is my 100th post. Go me!


Our Family said...

Thanks for the suggestion, it sounds really good. You guys are always reading something awesome, I love it!
Hope you're both doing well!
(p.s. I got to go out with that one guy a couple weeks ago, just thought you both might be interested! ;) Talk to you later!

Erica Ellen said...

fetch. I cried just reading that paragraph. thanks for the suggestion!

whitney said...

I liked it too :)

Our Family said...

Me again-
I just finished it. Wow! I'm so glad you told us about it, it's amazing!