Friday, April 6, 2012

They come in spurts...

Yeah. I can't believe it either--2 posts in like 3 days? Wha??? But here I am again, you lucky readers, you ;)

So I've become a slacker in the FHE department. I will go when I'm in charge (I'm FHE ma) but other than that I usually let myself think I have something better to do. This last Monday was no different. Ben tried to convince me that we needed to go, that we were starting bad routines by missing FHE. Luckily I'm very persuasive and talked him and my other roomies into having our own.

We watched a few Mormon Messages (who doesn't love those) and then Ben whipped out a Team Hoyt video. I hadn't ever seen the awesomeness of this before. But let's be real, people. I honestly get teary-eyed watching people finish 5k's. I'm not kidding you. Half marathons are a whole other story. So this little clip had me sobbing my eyes out. It's so beautiful. You have to watch it. Definitely a feel good little clip.

1 comment:

whitney said...

Definitely a feel-good clip :) Thanks for sharing!