Thursday, February 7, 2013


I have quite fallen in love with this little puppy:

And let's be honest. I never wanted to be that person.
The person who is actually posting a picture of her dog.

I don't even like animals. Not really. We had one dog while I was growing up. My mom gave him away while we were at school and none of us even noticed.
See what I mean?
I only agreed to this dog because Ben had him before he and I even met.

But I think I would have died by now--what with Ben going to school and me being jobless. But this dog keeps me sane. He's naughty lots of the time...but I still love him.

I hate that I love him.

But I do.

So sue me.


whitney said...

Ahhh, and what a cute, love-me, little face that is!

Jessica Grosland said...

That is an adorable puppy. How could you NOT love him?