Friday, February 15, 2013


In true Sarah fasion, I need a good old fashion thought spewing post. See below:

When I grow up, I want a super huge kitchen that has lots and lots of storage space.

Turns out signing up for the one month of free Netflix isn't the best idea. Who wants to donate their email for next month?

Having no job/nothing to do is the worst thing ever. I mean, how the heck am I supposed to fill all my time?

Contrary to previous notions, my husband does have money saving tendencies when it's needed. Learning something new about that guy everyday.

Skiing is quite possibly the most terrifying thing in the whole world. But now this Utah Native can claim she's been down a mountain. The mountain was just in Wyoming. It still counts, right?

Is it worth it to drive 40 minutes for a part time job? A well paying job, but nonetheless, part time.

Who the heck knew that selling Mary Kay could be so lucrative. Maybe that's the path I should take. Facials, anybody?

Having no job/nothing to do is the best thing ever. I have time for everything. Even if all that includes is going on long runs, watching Netflix, rereading Harry Potter, and making elaborate meals. How can I sign on to do this full time? (Okay, I know the answer to that but I'm not quite sure I'm ready to discuss it...)

Am I justified in turning down a job interview because the person who emailed me said "would u" instead of "would you?" Where is the humanity? The job requires a bachelor's degree for heaven's sake! They can't even spell out "you???" So...justifiable or not?

Real people! To chat and hang out with! Love it!

Turns out I really like colors. Bright colors. And when I have a house that has a really big kitchen, I will also have a bedroom that is not depressingly red and black.

Ben is my best friend ever. Gosh I love him.The Lord knew what He was doing.

Driving around BYU-I campus makes me want to kill myself as well as the nearest 10 students. They are like the worst zoobies ever. Times 30. Ugh.

Should I spend thousands of dollars on graduate school??

Planning weddings is stressful business. Makes me even more glad I have passed that stage of life.

Okay, people. Those were my random thoughts of life. I hope you enjoyed!

1 comment:

whitney said...

Every time we move, I get just a liiiitle closer to the kitchen space I want. I'm mostly happy with how things are in our current house. Spence talks about building an island and that would pretty much make it perfect space-wise.

yay! for having gone skiing...and I agree it's terrifying. I went once when I was like 13 and never went back for good reason.'s not worth a 40 minute commute.

MK is only lucrative if you have a customers and it's not all that easy to get those. It seems to help if you wear a lot of lipstick ;)

As to whether or not it's justifiable to turn down an interview on those grounds...I guess it just depends on how desperate you are.

There's a reason I didn't go to BYU-I ;)