Thursday, December 16, 2010


Dear readers, the title is not referring to Christmas. It is actually referring to the fact that Kyle has been out on the mish for

Crazy, I know.

Kyle is pretty much my best friend considering the fact that he is basically my other half. We shared the womb together, after all. How much closer can you get?

I hope you all know Kyle, cause he really is the bomb. I mean, he makes some pretty lame-o jokes sometimes and he also has this really monotone voice when he just doesn't care about talking to people.

But he also is the funniest person I've ever seen on caffeine (1 mountain dew did him in...he was bouncing off walls...later he tried to explain that he was "just really excited" which is false. it was the caffeine).

And (as whitney and spencer know) he is highly entertaining when playing word games, like Boggle (he came up with the word "tam."
"Kyle," we told him, "Tam isn't a word."
"Yes it is," he insisted. "You know, like the color.").

And his knowledge is very widespread (before the 2008 elections, a couple of us were discussing the candidates. Kyle turned to me and said, "So Romney's the black one, right?").

As you can see, I love Kyle for fifty bazillion reasons and then some. I am so proud of him for serving the Lord. I am slightly jealous of Croatia for getting to keep him for two years, but I know that he is bringing about lots and lots of good (even if it is mainly through t-shirts, football, hiking, and lemon meringue pies).

Oh. And for the record: he writes me the longest letters.

See what I mean about us pretty much being the same person?


whitney said...

I'm eternally grateful that you mentioned Tam. No post about Kyle would be the same without it ;) I kept on laughing while reading your post and Ezra couldn't figure out what was so funny. I can't even believe he's half-way done. craziness.

Taylor said...

That's so crazy!!! I can't believe it! But it's so awesome that you're halfway done!

Jessica Grosland said...

Man, we must be getting old, if we're already passing the halfway point on some of these people. Oh, Kyle. I remember in Middle School when you used to make fun of him all the time by dropping your voice and talking really slowly/stupidly. Sibling love is interesting, isn't it?

Also, I remember the time he cut his hair in the shape of a handprint. How cool is that?

Take good care of Kyle, Croatia. If he returns with any pieces missing, you'll have the OTHER Lifferth twin to answer to, and she's the more vicious of the pair.

marynott said...

YAY! I love Kyle too, and his sense of humor. haha 1 down. 1 more to go.

Kelsey said...

wait--kim, you have a twin?

well, this is awkward.

Okay, just kidding. Kyle kind of is the bomb. Also I love his monotone voice. It's one of his best traits.

that is all.

Zachary said...

Ahh...Kyle. What a good boy!