Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hey All!

Okay, lovely readers, here's the deal:

Muchas grasias for being so incredibly patient with me. I have been disgustingly terrible at keeping up with the whole "being a faithful blogger" deal. So, I am writing this post outrageously quickly...I have to go to work in 15 minutes. See? That is how much I love you all-I am willing to sacrifice 15 minutes of valuable time I could be spending on homework or facebook stalking just so I can update you all about my life.

I promise that I will have posts to come entailing my recent trip to the San Diego, my lovely new apartment, my full class/work schedule and, don't you worry, additional BYU vs. SUU conquests. But for now I'll keep it brief.

I'm back in Cedar. Exciting, I know. But really I'm glad to be back and I'm pretty stoked about this year. I mean, last year I was extremely busy being depressed about a certain individual who, quite effectively, broke my heart. Also, I was a freshman, and we all know that nobody likes those kind of people anyway-right? Yes. Okay. So this year will be good. I am healthy (for the most part) and happy and, best of all? I'm not a freshman this year.

However, there are some things about Cedar that I suppressed from my memory. Upon returning, however, I was very rudely awakened to these forgotten facts. Facts like:

  • the fact that there are about 4 radio stations in cedar. Out of all four of those only like one half actually count as a decent station. All the rest of the stations have these long drawling voices reverberating the beauty of the "tumblin' tumbleweed" or talking about their dog.
  • and also, the wind here in cedar makes it so that every girl looks like this on the sabbath:

Minus the scandalousness, of course.


whitney said...

bummer about the radio stations...or lack thereof :P

yay! yay! for not being a freshman!

Zachary said...


Oh wait...MINUS the scandalousness.

Guess I'll stay in Provo.