Saturday, October 30, 2010

Oh, the Town of Cedar

A week or two ago I went on a date. As my date and I were talking he asked me a very interesting question.

"What's your favorite thing about Cedar?" he asked.

And he was serious.

Honestly, I didn't know what to say. At that moment I could only think of all the things I hate about Cedar. Like how there's only one and half decent radio stations. And how it's always outrageously windy here. And how the running here sucks (everywhere you run is uphill; there's no avoiding it). And how Lin's (the local grocery store) no longer gives SUU students the 10% off discount.

And to tell you the truth, I can't remember what I told him was my favorite thing. Because I could not for the life of me think of one.

However, I have since pondered this question and, as of today, I have a few things to add to my "Why I (for some weird reason) Really Do Love Cedar" List. Here they are:

This morning I woke up, threw on my running shoes and went running (yes, up several large hills wonder my calves are so awesome). Now, on any given day I might see a tractor or two on my run. But today I saw like 15. I was a little surprised by this outrageous number until I got to main street and saw this:

Yes, in the hickishness that is Cedar they have an annual Livestock and Heritage Festival. As a part of the celebrations (?) they herd a mass of nearly 1,000 sheep more than two miles down main street. Sure, it creates hell for anyone wanting to drive somewhere, but who cares? At least we are all getting an opportunity to get "a glimpse into the Old West."

But seriously. A sheep parade? Who would've thought? It's so ridiculously random that it just works. Disclaimer: Cedar is nothing like Lehi. As many of you know, Lehi is overrun with sheep. This morning was my first time seeing a sheep in Cedar. So, really, Lehi is a way more hickish town than Cedar is by a long shot.

After my lovely sheep-filled run I showered and then my roomie, Amanda and I headed over to Lin's to purchase some items while not receiving a discount. After our groceries were in the car we started to drive home. But then we remembered the Ye Olde Catholic Thrift Shoppe.

We have been wanting to visit here for some time but they close at 4 so we never really had a good chance. But today we remembered and it was around noon, so we had plenty of time. Who knew what kind of wondrous things we'd find. I got two sweaters, two coats and a skirt. And all of that was only $5 total. (If I get bored I'll take pics of the finds and post them here.) Anyone who knows me knows that I love second hand stores (mostly because they are super cheap. Plus if you don't get anything good, at least you get a good laugh for the items that are there...meaning that at some point in time, someone actually wore it). But this one was pretty dang fantastic. And it is definitely on my favorites list. I would even go so far as to say that it's better than Cedar's DI. I know. Crazy. But true.

Another thing that Cedar does a pretty good job on, is it's sunsets. Seriously. Can't get better than this:


marynott said...

"you know you're in Lehi when you see someone walking a sheep" Thanks kim for calling us out like that. hahaha. Next time I come visit you in cedar I want to visit this ye olde catholic thrift shoppe

Zachary said...

Yes...but you are still moving out of there as soon as you graduate!

whitney said...

Well, thank heavens you like at least a couple of things about it. At the beginning of this post, I was beginning to wonder why you were still there. ;)