Friday, October 8, 2010

BYU vs. SUU: The Attack of the High Schoolers

I has been awhile since we compared our two lovely educational institutions: BYU and SUU. I figured that another comparison was loonnng overdue. So, here we are, examining yet again.

It is a common known fact that college campuses across the United States are used for a lot of things outside the realm of continued education and learning. Campuses are used by non-student/faculty people for forums, meetings, reunions, conventions, symposiums, parties, and concerts. These non-student/faculty people are more than welcome on campuses. I mean, heck, it's their tax dollars (or tithing money) that goes toward making campuses even better, right? However, I believe the majority of college students/faculty would agree when I say that there's one group of people we'd rather not see on campus.

And that group is high schoolers. (duhn Duhn DUHN!!!! *screams*)

And the thing is that I don't even have to explain. Just that title gives enough explanation as to why we don't really enjoy their company. But I will continue...because, after all, we are comparing here.

We'll start with BYU. The mass of high schoolers on BYU's campus can be seen from May through August. These kids run around shouting obnoxious songs and playing ridiculous games. They flirt unashamedly with each other. The boys escort. The girls primp and bat their eyes. It is customary to find a Crush of the Week (affectionately known as a COW), after all, this is where John Bytheway found his eternal companion. And who knows, maybe these 14 to 18 year old kids are finding their's too. This wonderful program is Especially For Youth.
As outrageously annoying these beaming youth are, the adolescents that plague SUU's campus are far worse. They are the High School Shakespeare Competition, which, I think, can be adequately portrayed in the accurate diagram below:
Basically, the horror of the second weekend in October on SUU's campus is created by a Shakespeare/Drama/Theater/Singing/Acting crowd. (oh, the horror!)

I know.

What could be worse?

I can't think of anything.

These kids run around campus screaming lines from Macbeth and Hamlet. They stand in front of the doors to the General Classrooms Building acting out scenes from Othello and As You Like It. They scream. They yell. They laugh far too boisterously. They swear, thinking they are so awesome. They wear these horrendous costumes that Shakespeare himself would scoff at. They walk in huge groups making it impossible to pass their slooooow gaits. They are the epitome of annoying. To them, the world is a stage and all the non-drama folks are clearly the audience, despite the dirty looks they are getting.

Yeah. It is painful. So this is one situation in which BYU wins. Hands down, BYU's experience of High Schoolers is much more pleasant and much more bearable.


whitney said...

Oh the hooooror is right. I so remember the efy high schoolers overtaking campus. blah

(although, I agree, the high school thespians sound much, much worse).

Zachary said...

I totally agree that BYU wins on this count.

Go Cougars!

The Millward Family said...

Kim! I found your blog from Kimberly's...I hope it's okay if I stalk you! You are pretty much the funniest girl ever.

Jessica Grosland said...

Thank you for this post, because it really put things into perspective for me. Now when I'm glaring at the long lines of paired-off fifteen-year-olds blocking my way to the library, I'll think of how YOU'RE trying to squeeze through a group of people shouting Shakespearean insults.

And I will laugh most uproariously.