Thursday, January 26, 2012

Some Necessary Changes

It was definitely time for me to buy some new running shoes.

I know plenty of individuals who can make their pair of running shoes last for years (yes, folks, that is multiple). I'm always in aw of these people. Maybe they are insanely frugal. Or maybe they're minimalists. Maybe they read Born to Run and now believe that shoes are for wimps.

I am not one of these people.

I've gotta get a new pair every 6-10 months.
..............maybe I run more than those guys..............?
At least that's what I tell myself.

I've had my current pair since Juneish. "They" say that a pair of running shoes should last 300-500 miles. Having trained for several long distance races in said current pair, I knew I had probably passed that limit. And while I didn't think mine were completely dead, I kinda got the feeling that a new pair would be needed soon.

So during the Christmas break I headed over to Runner's Corner (the only place that I buy running shoes. Honestly, I should be an honorary customer). Right before I turned into the parking lot I had a battle with myself.

Did I really want to spend all that money on new shoes?
I mean, my pair wasn't that bad.
I could make them last...

But I made the turn, parked and headed inside, accepting the fact that I probably wouldn't be up to the area for serious shopping until spring break. Which would definitely be past my shoe's expiration date.

I told the worker what pair I wanted and it wasn't until she brought out the brand new shoes that I realized just how beat up mine had gotten.

I mean, check it out:

The Old Pair

When the worker saw this pair she was like,
"How long have you had these??"

Then I saw the new ones and I understood why she was so aghast.

The New Pair

See that difference?
Yeah. I'm thinking these babies were needed.

1 comment:

whitney said...

Definitely worth the $$ for the colors alone...oh, and I'm sure they're worth it for the running too ;)