Monday, November 7, 2011


Just in case you were wondering, my favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, which just so happens to be this very month. It has everything you could ever want: Family, Friends, and Food.

And, I mean, on what other day can you eat as much as you possibly want and be sure that no one is going to judge you? Uh-huh. True love right there.

And so, in light of this, the most fabulous holiday, I am going to dedicate my November blogging to talking about things that I'm grateful for. I've been feeling extra whiny lately, so this will be especially good for me. I can't promise a post every day (cause, who am I kidding? I have a hard enough time posting twice a month, let alone thirty times), but I will post as often as I can. Get excited!

I'm not really feeling a super long post right now, so I'll choose a simple thanks to start off with: I am grateful for my job at the library.
I've actually posted about it before, but I love my job. It's so bomb. In the best way possible. Even if the only hook up I get is that I can check out books without my student ID (insert oohs and ahhs).

The up side is that most everyone is friendly and/or entertaining (like the chick who told me that we were keeping the library too hot and someone was probably going to pass out. Yeah. It wasn't too hot. Or even hot at all. Menopause?).

Anyhow, Cedar City doesn't really flaunt job opportunities so I was looking for forever before I was found this job. And I will tell you what, I was a blink away from crying when they offered it, that's how insanely happy I was.

And the tears should probably have been shed. I'm thinking that in my short list of jobs that I have had (I have a great talent for keeping jobs a ridiculously long amount of time), this one is definitely a fave.

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