Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Fam: Immediate

Yes my family is just that huge. I have to do several posts to express all the gratitude I have for them. This one is for immediate.

(Sorry Whitney, had to steal a photo. I don't have any of all y'all)
The thing is, I'm pretty sure only 2 or maybe 3 of the 10 immediate members actually read my blog. Don't worry, I'll let them know I love them some other way.

Moving on.

Reasons Why My Family is The Bomb
  • We all have an obsessive passion for Brother Neil (who is coming to concert!!!! woohoo!!!!)
  • My family is freakin hilarious
  • My parents make dinner for anyone and everyone on second Sundays of every month
  • Spencer is kind enough to edit my very important documents (aka: grad school junk)
  • Whitney is as fabulous as the amount of times she says that word (which is a lot and I love it:)
  • Spencer and Whit have THE cutest kids on the planet
  • There is always excitement when Isaac's around
  • Eric was the only one at the state fair who could accurately name all the meat cuts
  • Heather is willing to cry with me when I need to cry but ends up making me laugh instead, (which doesn't give me a headache)
  • Kyle's confusion on words, presidential candidates, and color combinations never ceases to amuse
  • Leslie. She's just Leslie. That in and of itself is reason enough (can I hear a "What we do?")
  • My family has just as much drama as everyone else's (perhaps arguably more) but it never brings us down
  • We have crazy awesome adventures
  • Our family extends to so many other peeps (for example: Kelsey Barker living at our house for a month or Adam Couchis having pretty much all of our numbers in his phone)

I love my family outrageously and I really will never be able to say how grateful I am for them.

So hooray for family!


Kelsey said...

What we do? Yay! The Lifferths are seriously the BEST. And pretty much I love the descriptions. And I'm honored to have been mentioned here. When is Brother Neil coming?

whitney said...

Ahhh, another Bro. Neil concert without us!? sad.

Thanks for the call-out, it made my day (especially since I AM one of the faithful followers. Spence is too he just never comments :). I think you're pretty darn fabulous too.

Also, I'm very impressed by Eric's mad meat-naming skills.