Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Don't you love hearing peoples' secrets? Me too! So here are some of mine. I'm not giving you the super juicy ones (I've got to keep some things to myself...). But here are some basic ones that will help you get to know me a little bit better:

This is me:

  • I drink milk straight from the carton 95% of the time.
  • I only recently started singing in the shower and I've converted to it.
  • I've never seen The Lord of the Rings.
  • I've never read Harry Potter.
  • Most things that I love to do can also be described as super nerdy/old school: sewing, baking, embroidery, crocheting, and reading.
  • My biggest pet peeve (non human related, anyway) is open cupboards.
  • It makes me happy to see every shape and size of person running. Regardless, I judge every runner/jogger I see on their form.
  • I dismiss every runner/jogger I see as a fake if they are wearing Nikes.
  • My all time favorite place to shop is DI (love the bargains and the laughs).
  • I am pretty sure (like 99.9%) that James Franco is the sexiest man alive.
  • I have 75 first cousins on my Dad's side alone.
  • When I was little, I always planned that if I got cancer and got hooked up with the Make-A-Wish program, I'd wish to meet Neil Diamond.
  • I think showering is overrated.
  • One of my favorite books is Walk To Remember, and I've yet to read it without crying.
  • I am absolutely and completely terrified of what I want most in life: getting married and having kids.
  • My favorite smell is new backpacks (the cheap-o plastic kid ones).
  • I'm a cryer. I cry at everything. But I'm a closet cryer...so it's likely that you've never seen the tears.
  • I will only eat pretzels that are Rold Gold Tiny Twists.
  • I feel incredibly lazy when watching movies unless I'm with a big group of people.
  • Even I think my running habits are on the side of obsession.
  • I cannot for the life of me pronounce the word "rural."
  • When I go shopping, I touch anything that looks soft or oddly textured.
  • I'm horrified by snakes. Even little dinky ones. Even pictures of them. Even shoelaces on the ground that resemble them.
  • My favorite color is coral. But if you're a boy and you ask, I'll probably tell you something else because I don't want to explain the color coral to you.
  • I pretty much always judge books by the covers.
  • I love dance parties. Especially ones that are in my kitchen when I'm donning an apron.
  • If I had cable TV, I'd spend most of my days watching Say Yes to the Dress, What Not to Wear, and Cake Boss.
  • I'm also slightly embarrassed to admit that I love the food channel. Doesn't really matter which show.
  • I'm a quarter German.
  • I think 73 degrees is the best temperature.
  • The most boring date I've been on was watching the Super Bowl. And it was a first date.
  • I think my family is basically the most rockin' awesome family of all...no exceptions.
So there you go. A little glimpse into the life and mind of Kim.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Way it Pops and Fizzes

Dear Readers,

Sometimes, when I'm feeling extra generous, I like to share some of my personal loves with you. Since I discovered it, I have been madly in love with this song. At first, I thought maybe it was just infatuation...but it has passed the test of time (yes, 3ish weeks is apparently long enough to know that it's true love). And you know what they say about love: "you can give it all away and have it still" (and by "they" I obviously mean Neil Diamond). So that is what I chose to do. I'm giving you this song so that you can fall in love as well. Man, you are welcome!

Sincerely, Kim

Sigh. So good.

Monday, August 1, 2011

I Want Some B Shoogs in this Here G and O*

It's official. I'm basically done being a hippie. No more forays into the wilderness. No more peeing behind bushes. No more using slang like
"B and R" or
"diggled" (Betcha can't guess what those mean...).

In fact, the only proof of my hippie existence is this:

The hair wrap.

And possibly the fact that I can bust a flame out of
sticks, a rock and little bit of rope
faster than Bear Grylls.

Ahem. Here's another handful of quotes for you from the students, just so you can all get a glimpse into what I dealt with on a daily basis for more than half this summer:

"I'm a proud booger eater." --Katie

"My advice is if you have questions, don't ask staff cause they don't know." --James

"Wait. Stevie Wonder is blind???" --Eric

"I asked for a bible and a drug book." --Justine

"Mmmmm. I love my tastebuds." --Jen

"I was such a slut in kindergarten. I had like 30 husbands." --Molly

"It's actually not that much." --Isabel, about her $1200.00 per month allowance (don't even get me started on this one. I thought about doing a post on just this comment, but I knew that it would make me waaaay more angry than I should be. So just know that it makes me want to punch someone and vomit when I think about this.)

"This hike has been torture! I've seen a package of cigarettes, a Monster, and a hotdog. The worst was the hotdog!" --Kate

Eric: Have you ever slept in a banana hammock?
Patrick: Do you even know what a banana hammock is?
Eric: Yeah. Isn't it the thing people in poor countries sleep in?

Again, oh, how I loved my job. Even if it was stressful at times, there was always an amusing quote to go around. I'm kind of glad you're over, summer hippie job of 2011. But I really will miss you. Later!

*Hippie title translated into English: I would like some brown sugar in my granola and oatmeal.